Since 2012, the Flag City Corvette Club has sponsored The Open Arms Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Center of Hancock County.
During the year, our club raises donations in a number of activities such as 50/50 raffles, sponsorships, and Car Tunes on Main.
FCC members also donate to the Open Arms wish list. We collect the products and supplies needed by Open Arms during our monthly meetings and deliver them the next day.
Proceeds from FCC Club fundraisers are donated directly to Open Arms.
Please consider a generous donation to Open Arms. Open Arms needs your donations now more than ever!

In 1978, a group of concerned citizens and social service agency representatives united for a Domestic Violence Task force to determine whether or not a need for a domestic violence shelter existed in Hancock County. By surveying a sample of Hancock County residents, it was determined there was a serious need for a shelter to serve both women and children. In 1979, the Ohio Domestic Violence law was passed stating that it was against the law for any family member to abuse another family/household member. Members of the Domestic Violence Task Force then formed the Council on Domestic Violence Inc. and through grants, marriage license fees and private contributions, the Domestic Violence Shelter opened its doors to Hancock County in June 1981.
Open Arms continues to assist men, women and children who are affected by domestic violence.